Great Stories (Montessori)

Great Stories (Montessori)

The Great Stories, also known as the Five Great Lessons, are a distinctive part of the Montessori curriculum for children aged 6-12[1]. These narratives aim to instill a sense of wonder about the universe and to provide a broad context to stimulate exploration...
Grace and Courtesy (Montessori)

Grace and Courtesy (Montessori)

In Montessori education, Grace and Courtesy refers to an integral aspect of Practical Life. This involves lessons that demonstrate positive social behavior, which assist the young child in adapting to a group setting and equip them with the knowledge of...
Freedom within Limits (Montessori)

Freedom within Limits (Montessori)

Freedom Within Limits is a key principle in Montessori education that acknowledges the importance of balancing liberty with structure for effective learning and development.[1] Montessori educators provide children with a range of choices and activities in a...
False Fatigue (Montessori)

False Fatigue (Montessori)

In Montessori education, False Fatigue is a phenomenon typically observed in Children’s Houses worldwide, often around 10 a.m. At this time, children may seem to lose interest in work, their behaviour might become disorderly, and the noise level can...
Exercises of Practical Life (Montessori)

Exercises of Practical Life (Montessori)

In Montessori education, Exercises of Practical Life constitute one of the four areas of activities in the prepared environment.[1] These exercises are purposeful activities that mimic everyday tasks such as sweeping, dusting, and washing dishes. These...